Endowment Fund

Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, our endowment fund has been seeded with $1 million and continues to grow through the financial support of our dedicated donors. 

Your gift to the endowment is a lasting, perpetual gift that allows us to build a better community and strengthen the public’s understanding of the Sierra while instilling a sense of heritage and respect for history and nature.  

What is an endowment?

An endowment is a fund where only a portion of the interest may be accessed and utilized. The larger the endowment fund, the more money may be applied to programs, education, scholarships, exhibits and operations.

As the fund grows, the future of the museum transitions from a year-to-year challenge to a self-sustaining model.

Much more than just a museum

We are committed to educating visitors about science and technology in the context of history, culture and the human experience.


Over 30 community events from May to October, 2021


More than 1,000 students have experienced our STEM education programs.


Over 10,000 visitors a year