Request Seedlings
Spring 2025 interest Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Central Sierra Resiliency Fund’s Seedlings of Hope (SOH) program. With this long-term reforestation effort, we are collaborating with many other organizations. Our current partners include Arbor Day Foundation, CalFire, CalForest, Creek Fire Recovery Collaborative, Edison International, Mulholland Citrus, National Forest Foundation, One Tree Planted, Sierra Resource Conservation District, and Southern California Edison.
After growing the seedlings and identifying appropriate sites for their planting, we will hold community workdays centered around Forester-led workshops on planting techniques and best-practices to train volunteers and begin reforesting communities together. The dates of those workshops are to be determined as soil moisture and temperatures will drive our planting timeline and may vary by elevation. Please note that having water on-site is NOT a requirement for requesting seedlings. If you have previously applied for Seedlings of Hope you do not need to re-apply each season—you are already on our list and will be contacted via email about upcoming plantings.
Spring 2025 Seedlings of Hope (SOH) Home Site Requirements:
- The site is in Fresno County and experienced Creek Fire related damage that requires reforestation.
- The site has been prepared for planting. This includes:
- High-severity burned trees or dead trees in the vicinity have been removed.
- The site is in a “protected” area that will not be disturbed by further construction or vehicle/equipment traffic.
- The planting sites are NOT under power lines
- Images of the site are submitted showing where the seedlings may go.**A site visit may be required prior to planting if deemed necessary by a Forester.
- The land is privately owned (at this time we cannot plant on government lands)
- The homeowner gives permission for SOH representatives to access the lot 1-2 years post-planting for the purposes of assessing the hardiness of the SOH stock
In order to be considered for the Spring 2025 plantings, this form must be completed online or submitted to [email protected] by March 1, 2025. Your contact information will be kept confidential, and property information will only be shared with the members of our Forest Stewardship Task Force to assess priorities and eligible sites. Forms received after that date will be considered for future plantings. Availability for volunteers and seedlings is limited and highly weather-dependent. The number of seedlings allocated to each property will be based on availability and lot size. There may be opportunities for more seedlings via a cost-share program for larger landowners. If you are interested in a potential cost-sharing program, please note that in the comments section below.
The Central Sierra Resiliency Fund is a community initiative held at the Central Sierra Historical Society and Museum, Inc., a California 501(c) 3 tax exempt non-profit organization