Category Uncategorized

Some Useful Links for You to Get Started

It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways General How…

Self-guided Museum Tour and Map

Current State of California public health guidelines permit us to welcome visitors to our outdoor exhibits. We hope you will
enjoy exploring the museum grounds and learning about the history of our area, while maintaining safe social distancing practices. Museum events and access to indoor spaces will resume as soon as possible. Our restrooms are currently closed to the public.

1920 Mack Truck On View At Museum

The next time you visit the museum you will notice a new building. It houses our newest exhibit, a 1920 Mack Truck. The truck, previously on display in Big Creek, has been loaned to the Historical Society by Southern California…