Ice Cream Social

Museum of the Sierra 42642 Tollhouse Rd, shaver lake, CA, United States

Ice Cream is on us! In addition to FREE Ice Cream, we will have the Sierra Steamers and the San Joaquin Valley Antique Flywheelers here in our parking offering live demonstrations as well as a live demonstration of our very own Powerhouse.

Sierra Voices #3 | Mary Grace Marshal

Museum of the Sierra 42642 Tollhouse Rd, shaver lake, CA, United States

Join us on, Saturday, August 9th for our third Sierra Voices of the season! Mary Grace Marshall is one of the few who can speak of living in a sawmill community in the mid-20th century from firsthand experience

Hikes for History #3 | Meg Tallberg

Museum of the Sierra 42642 Tollhouse Rd, shaver lake, CA, United States

Join our third Hikes for History of the season on, Saturday, August 16th!

Friday In The Pines | Raizin’ Kane

Museum of the Sierra 42642 Tollhouse Rd, shaver lake, CA, United States

Friday in the Pines! Raizin' Kane Band-- classic rock, oldies, and all your favorites!

Sierra Voices #4 | Robin Calderwood

Museum of the Sierra 42642 Tollhouse Rd, shaver lake, CA, United States

Join us on, Saturday, September 13th for our fourth Sierra Voices of the season!